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Tournament Chessboard - olive and black died poplar wood

Chessboard inlaid with olive and black died poplar. This board constitutes a splendid alternative for wenge boards. 

This fine chess board has a square size of 55mm and it fits to our medium and larger chessmen with a King height of 90 and 98mm.

• Size (mm) - cheesboard: 550x550x13

• Color: BLACK / OLIVE

• Square size mm 55

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Scacchiera da torneo in legno di ulivo e pioppo. Antiriflesso.

Effetto visivo di grande impatto.

Dimensioni: 55x55cm. Casella 55mm.

Si abbina con Re mm 90/98.

  • Marca LE DUE TORRI
  • Code 720

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Tournament Chess
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