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Tournament Folding Chess Board with 2.25 Squares - Double Fold

A high quality folding chess board covered with rugged PVC plastic, this traditional chessboard will tuck away neatly and never get wrinkled! This board is made to be folded twice so that the it is easy to carry anywhere. The 2.25" squares are perfect for chess pieces with Kings base of 1.75". 

Color: black/white

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Scacchiera pieghevole in 4, molto pratica.

Misura regolamentare da torneo, con lettere e numeri, in plastica lavabile.

Una volta aperta non presenta nessuna piega, sembra una normalissima scacchiera rigida.

Dimensioni da aperta: 50 x 50 cm, casella 55 mm. 

Dimensioni da chiusa: si riduce ad un piccolo quadrato 25,5x25x5 cm

Colore: Bianco/Nero

  • Code 708NE
