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300 Most Important Chess Positions

Engqvist Thomas

Study five a week to be a better chess player

An International Master’s guide to the essential positions and strategies in chess.
A great little book of understanding the most important chess positions in the opening of a game, the middle game and the endgame. It cuts to the chase on the most useful positions at all those stages. Perfect for players who want to reach a higher level but don’t have time to sit for hours and hours each week in less productive study.

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Study five a week to be a better chess player

An International Master’s guide to the essential positions and strategies in chess.
A great little book of understanding the most important chess positions in the opening of a game, the middle game and the endgame. It cuts to the chase on the most useful positions at all those stages. Perfect for players who want to reach a higher level but don’t have time to sit for hours and hours each week in less productive study.

Divided into three sections, it comprises section 1, The 50 Most Important Openings (covering 50 openings), section 2. The 150 Most important Middle Game Positions and section 3. The 100 Most important Endgame Positions. For example, the Endgame section has chapters on pawn endings, knightt endings, etc. The Middle game chapters are arranged by positional themes.

Each numbered position can be seen as a test yourself quiz (with answers given below the diagrams) to help cement positional understanding. Since it is advisable to repeat the positions from time to time this book can be your life-long companion, enabling you to dramatically increase your positional chess understanding.

An essential strategy book by a Swedish International Master. 

Thomas Engqvist is an International Master from Sweden. He has over 30 years’ experience as a chess coach and teacher. He has worked with players at world championship level in both junior and correspondence chess. He is the author of two other chess books (for Gambit).

  • Casa editrice Batsford
  • Code 7279
  • Anno 2018
  • Pagine p. 302
  • Isbn 9781849945127
