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Riga Interzonal Tournament 1979

Miles Tony, Speelman Jonathan

This book contains all the games played in the World Championship Qualifying Interzonal Tournament held at Riga during September 1979 with 18 of the World's leading players.

2nd hand, very good conditions

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2nd hand, very good conditions

This book contains all the games played in the World Championship Qualifying Interzonal Tournament held at Riga during September 1979 with 18 of the World's leading players.

Tal emerged triumphant by 2 1/2 points, ahead of Polugayevsky, Ribli, Adorjan, Gheorghiu, Romanishin, Larsen, Miles, Kuzmin, Tseshkovsky, Tarjan, Grunfeld, Ljubojevic, Bouaziz, Trois, Mednis, van Riemsdyk and Rodriguez.

About 30 games are fully annotated in lnformator style, 60 others have important notes, and there are 90 diagrams of interesting positions. The book, completed by opening index and tournament table, is in Figurine Algebraic Notation. Grandmaster Tony Miles was the first Briton to compete at this level of the World Championship since 1952. He had, on the spot, the 1978 British champion, Jonathan Speelman, as his second.

  • Casa editrice Batsford
  • Codice riga1979us
  • Anno 1979
  • Pagine 80
  • Isbn 0713434295

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