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Man versus Machine: Kasparov versus Deep Blue - 2a mano

Raymond Keene, Tony Buzan

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In May 1997 world chess champion Garry Kasparov, regarded by many as the greatest player of all time, came to New York to face his most unusual and challenging opponent yet.

Deep Blue, a supercomputer developed by a team of IBM scientists in a project started over ten years earlier, was capable of calculating 200 million chess positions in a single second and was incapable of tiring, losing heart or making an oversight. Six games would be played for over $1 million in prize money.

This book tells the full story of this historic encounter, from the personalities, hype, and controversies to the debates over computer intelligence and the future of chess.

Every game is analyzed in detail and the earlier 1989 and 1996 matches between the two contestants are reviewed. Man versus Machine: Kasparov versus Deep Blue is the definitive on-the-scene report that every chess enthusiast must read.

  • Casa editrice Buzan Centres
  • Codice 2800us
  • Anno 1997
  • Pagine 126
  • Isbn 1-874374-07-4
