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Imagination in chess

Locock Charles Dealtry

Once a chess player has learned not to drop pieces, that innate feeling of not wanting to sacrifice them willingly takes place in our consciousness. Why should give up our pieces unless we must?
This book tries to remedy that thinking pattern by introducing the student and reader to the concept of imagination. For the purpose of expanding the imagination, the author has created sixty examples of varying degrees of difficulty to illustrate tactical and mating patterns of many kinds.
Lastly, the author has put together a long list of do's and do not's under the umbrella of "Chess Maxims" for beginners and inexperienced players.

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Once a chess player has learned not to drop pieces, that innate feeling of not wanting to sacrifice them willingly takes place in our consciousness. Why should give up our pieces unless we must?
This book tries to remedy that thinking pattern by introducing the student and reader to the concept of imagination. For the purpose of expanding the imagination, the author has created sixty examples of varying degrees of difficulty to illustrate tactical and mating patterns of many kinds.
Lastly, the author has put together a long list of do's and do not's under the umbrella of "Chess Maxims" for beginners and inexperienced players.

  • Casa editrice CarstenChess
  • Codice 8441
  • Anno 2024
  • Pagine 112
  • Isbn 9798874189808
