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Guide to Good Chess - 2nd hand

Purdy C.J.S.

World Chess Champion Bobby Fischer raved about the chess writings of C.J.S. Purdy

Libro di seconda mano quasi nuovo. Resti di adesivo sul retrocopertina.
Undicesima edizione, notazione algebrica.

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In Purdy's lifelong writings, he came to concrete conclusions about chess, and how it should be learned, as a result of this deep reflection. This very depth led to his winning the First World Correspondence Chess Championship from the remote country of Australia.

Purdy fills you in on details, explains the whys, and makes it easier for you to improve to be a very good player without vasts amount of memorization. Even the elementary principles which begin this book have points not seen in other works of this kind. His language is a bit unusual, making it easier to remember such things as "biffing the Bishop." He covers all three phases of the game: the opening, the middlegame, and the endgame. Lastly, a complete game is dissected for the purpose of showing how Purdy's Rules are used effectively.

This book is now in its eleventh printing, but this is the first edition to use algebraic notation, now the world standard. The editing was done by Dr. Ralph J. Tykodi, a devoted Purdy enthusiast and supporter.

  • Casa editrice Thinkers' Press
  • Codice TK77us
  • Anno 1996
  • Pagine 143
  • Isbn 0-938650-77-7
