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Mega Database 2024 - DVD

The ChessBase Mega Database 2024 is the premiere chess database with over 10.4 million games from 1475 to 2023 in high quality. Packing more than 112,000 annotated games, Mega 2024 contains the world‘s largest collection of high-class analysed games. Train like a pro! Prepare for your opponents with ChessBase and the Mega Database 2024. Let grandmasters explain how to best handle your favorite variations, improve your repertoire and much more.

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The ChessBase Mega Database 2024 is the premiere chess database with over 10.4 million games from 1475 to 2023 in high quality. Packing more than 112,000 annotated games, Mega 2024 contains the world‘s largest collection of high-class analysed games. Train like a pro! Prepare for your opponents with ChessBase and the Mega Database 2024. Let grandmasters explain how to best handle your favorite variations, improve your repertoire and much more.

10.4 million games contains the Mega Database 2024
Includes Mega Update Service 2024: update your Mega with your ChessBase 17/16 program every week with over 5,000 new games. That’s about 250,000 new games by the end of 2024!
Enlarged Tournament menu! • Comfortable menu and more Top-level tournaments than ever before!
More than 112,000 annotated games
Direct access to the games of all the World Championships, among the over 450 years of chess knowledge.
Direct acees to Top Tournaments, Games, CrossTable and more
Player lexicon for download with over 600,000 player names and more than 40,000 player photos (only with ChessBase 17 or 16)

Desktop PC or Notebook, 2 GB RAM, Windows 11, 10 or 8.1, DVD-ROM drive (if ordered with Postal Delivery), ChessBase 17, 16 or 15, Internet access (downloads).

  • Marca ChessBase
  • Code SMEGA2024
  • Isbn 9783866817807

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