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Nona Gaprindashvili Legendary Chess Careers

Karolyi Tibor

In this book, the author drives you through the very rich chess career of the 6th Women World Champion Nona Gaprindashvili while interviewing her. This unique concept makes the book easy to read and gives the reader some inside information about what is happening also off the board, things you normally don't get to know about.

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In this book, the author drives you through the very rich chess career of the 6th Women World Champion Nona Gaprindashvili while interviewing her. This unique concept makes the book easy to read and gives the reader some inside information about what is happening also off the board, things you normally don't get to know about. 

  • Casa editrice Chess Evolution
  • Code 6935
  • Anno 2016
  • Pagine p. 122
  • Isbn 9788394429072
